Endowed Chairs and Professorships
A number of supporters have bestowed upon Pepperdine School of Public Policy chairs and professorships to honor experience and excellence among its faculty and administration.
Braun Family Dean's Chair
The Pepperdine School of Public Policy announced the endowment of the Braun Family Dean's Chair through the generous support of the Carl F. Braun Residuary Trust. The Braun family have been longtime friends of Pepperdine. The Henry A. and Virginia B. Braun Center for Public Policy was dedicated in 2003 on the University's Drescher Graduate Campus.
Currently held by Pete Peterson

Edward L. Gaylord Visiting Professor of Public Policy
In 1994, Edward Gaylord and the Sarah Scaife Foundation provided gifts to Pepperdine to create the first endowed chair of the School of Public Policy.
Currently held by Steven Hayward

Inaugural Terry Giles and Kalli O’Malley Distinguished Visiting Professor
The Terry Giles and Kalli O’Malley Distinguished Visiting Professorship is made possible by the generous endowment of Terry Giles and Kalli O’Malley. Giles is an entrepreneur, philanthropist, and Life Regent at the Pepperdine University Board of Regents.
Currently held by Victor Davis Hanson
Robert and Katheryn Dockson Endowed Professorship
Robert Dockson, a long-time business leader who served as a University Life Regent, and his wife, Katheryn, provided the school's first endowed professorship.
Currently held by Robert Kaufman
Previous recipient:
Gordon Lloyd, Robert and Katheryn Dockson Professor of Public Policy
Professor Emeritus
Ronald Reagan Endowed Professorship
Flora Laney Thornton, who served both as a University Regent and Life Regent, provided
an endowed professorship in honor of President Ronald Reagan.
Currently held by Robert George
Previous recipients:
Wilfred "Bill" McClay
Steven Hayward
James Q. Wilson
Taube Family Chair of International Relations and Politics
The Taube Family Chair of International Relations and Politics is an historic, first-ever
distinguished chair at Pepperdine, the single largest newly endowed position at the
University. Through the scholarship and thought leadership exemplified holders of
the position, the chair aims to firmly establish a more balanced view of international
affairs and politics and embraces the view that the US plays a critical, leading role
on the global stage. Based on a Judeo-Christian foundation, the holder of the chair
will prepare the next generation of leaders in national security, international affairs,
and politics.
Currently held by Kiron Skinner