The Future of the Center: The Core City in the New Economy Research
Joel Kotkin
November 1999
Repairing the Ladder: Toward a New Housing Policy. By Howard Husock. Policy Study No. 207.
Market-Oriented Planning: Principles and Tools. By Samuel Staley and Lynn Scarlett. Policy Study No. 236.
Myths of Light Rail Transit. By James DeLong. Policy Study No. 244
Urban Transit Myths: Misperceptions About Transit and American Mobility. By Randal O'Toole. Policy Study No. 245.
The Sprawling of America: In Defense of the Dynamic City. By Samuel R. Staley. Policy Study No. 251.
Urban-growth Boundaries and Housing Affordability: Lessons from Portland. By Samuel R. Staley and Gerard C.S. Mildner. Policy Brief No. 11.
A Line in the Land: Urban-growth Boundaries, Smart Growth, and Housing Affordability. By Samuel R. Staley, Jefferson G. Edgens, and Gerard C.S. Mildner. Policy Study
No. 263.