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Pepperdine | School of Public Policy

Engagement Initiatives

Distinguished Speaker Series

Providing insights on past and emerging issues in public safety

HSAC's Distinguished Speaker Series brings together public safety professionals from the private, public, and civic sectors to hear from distinguished local, regional, and national experts who provide insight on past and emerging issues in public safety and homeland security.


Crisis Management Case Challenge

Challenging tomorrow's leaders to create innovative solutions today

The Crisis Management Case Challenge provides a competitive forum for graduate students to exchange ideas, perspectives, and recommendations to better manage real-world issues in crisis management. Graduate students from all backgrounds and disciplines across the country are invited to team up and develop out-of-the-box solutions for the case. Qualifying teams present their recommendations to a panel of subject-matter experts, and the top three finalists are awarded cash prizes.


Crisis Leadership and Emergency Management Workshop

Convening the best to teach the best

HSAC hosts the annual Crisis Leadership and Emergency Management Workshop, which is attended by hundreds of participants from across the region who learn from other's experience, identify best practices, and create innovative, collaborative solutions.