HSAC currently offers a variety of programs focused on technology, engagement, capability
building, and partnerships for crisis managers, policymakers, and public safety professionals,
in addition to students pursuing a master’s or doctoral degree. Through the partnership
with the School of Public Policy, HSAC will expand its current offerings, create new
educational and training programs, and reach a broader participant group that includes
graduate students and audiences throughout California and the nation.
HSAC's web-based crisis and event management platform, SALUS - The Crisis Hub, puts the power of geographic information systems (GIS) directly into the hands of
crisis managers, public safety professionals, and policymakers, providing its users
an innovative way to visualize information and effectively analyze data.
SPP and HSAC will continue to bring together leaders in crisis management to speak
on emerging issues, how to develop solutions for crisis management issues, and hold
workshops on crisis leadership and emergency management. Current HSAC offerings include
the following:
- Distinguished Speaker Series
- Crisis Management Case Challenge
- Crisis Leadership and Emergency Management Workshop
Throughout Los Angeles, HSAC supports policy research and educates best practices
for the broader community. HSAC hosts the following programs:
- Crisis Management Internship Program
- Public Safety Fellows
- Regional Emergency Management Exercise Program
Extending beyond this new academic partnership, SPP and HSAC will host leadership
workshops and trainings that focus on past, current, and emerging issues for public
safety professionals. Current HSAC offerings include the following:
- Public Safety Delegations and Information Exchanges
- Executive Round Table
- Homeland Security Professional Alliances