Avoiding Journalistic Mistakes and Biases
Event Details
Thursday, March 12, 2020
12:00 PM
LC 159
Pepperdine University
Malibu, CA
Please note: this event has been canceled.
For more information about this event, please email sppevents@pepperdine.edu, or call 310.506.7490
Join Pepperdine School of Public Policy, and Politics in Public Policy student organization for a lunch time conversation with Amber Athey, White House Correspondent for The Daily Caller and Tony Blankley Fellow with the Steamboat Institute on the subject of, "real news" and how to avoid journalistic mistakes and biases.
Lunch will be provided for all who register.
Amber Athey is the Washington Editor at Spectator USA and the host of the "Unfit to Print" podcast. She was named 2019-20 Tony Blankley Fellow by Steamboat Institute. Prior to joining the Spectator USA team, Amber was White House Correspondent at the Daily Caller and covered bias and abuse in the university system for Campus Reform. She graduated from Georgetown University in 2016 with a BA in Government and Economics. Bio provided by Steamboat Institute.