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Pepperdine | School of Public Policy

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Cross Sector Leadership Conference

Cross Sector Leadership Conference People Talking


Event Info

Monday, October 1, 2018
9 AM - 4:30 PM 

Wilburn Auditorium
Drescher Graduate Campus, Pepperdine University
Malibu, California


For more information, please contact Melissa Espinoza at 310.506.7490

On policy issues ranging from economic development to disaster response, it is becoming increasing obvious that sustainable solutions will only be found through creative engagement of the government, business, and nonprofit sectors. Leading in these cross sector environments demands a unique set of skills as each of the areas have their own distinctive cultures, and are prone to siloed approaches to policy-making. In this fast-paced, inspirational and educational event on Pepperdine's breathtaking Malibu campus, we will explore what cross sector leadership looks like in local, state and federal contexts, as very complex challenges are being addressed by these collaborative processes.

Though seen as a "21st century public leadership skill," these multi-sector approaches serve as modern-day examples of what the Frenchman Alexis DeTocqueville described in his tour around America almost two centuries ago. Come learn and be inspired by these leaders who are working across sectors to solve tough problems in this polarized era!

Download the Cross Sector Leadership Case Studies brochure