Years of Lightning, Day of Drums Screening
School of Public Policy Commemorates JFK 50th Anniversary Assassination
Friday, November 22, 2013
6 PM
Wilburn Auditorium
Pepperdine University
Malibu, California
On Friday, November 22, in partnership with the Pepperdine University Libraries, the
School of Public Policy (SPP) will screen the documentary, "John F. Kennedy: Years
of Lightening, Days of Drums," in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of President
Kennedy's assassination. The 90-minute filmed memorial tribute, released in 1964,
is narrated by Gregory Peck and was produced by the United States Information Agency
and features extensive excerpts from Kennedy's speeches, including color footage of
his swearing in and inaugural address. The film's writer and director, Bruce Herschensohn, is a Senior Fellow at SPP and will speak about the film's introduction and provide
an explanation of why it was made with taxpayer's funds; its purpose and why it took
an act of the US Congress to release it in the United States. The evening will conclude
with Herschensohn discussing the role of the former United States Information Agency
in the Cold War and its abolition, which called for the near-extinction of US propaganda
since 1999.