What is America Doing to Improve its Image Abroad?
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Noon – 1 PM
Guest Lecturer: Colleen Graffy, Pepperdine professor Colleen Graffy was living in London engaging the media first-hand on U.S. foreign policy issues before being brought into the U.S. State Department as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy for Europe and Eurasia. In that capacity, she worked on how the US government engages, informs and influences the people in other countries.
Topic: "What is America Doing to Improve its Image Abroad?"
U.S. standing has diminished globally and the "Obama Effect" has only been a temporary
fix. Many ask what our nation is doing to change the negative perceptions about America--others
ask whether it matters. Please join us on March 17th to get the inside story.