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Political Challenges Facing the Obama Administration


Victor Davis Hanson - Pepperdine University

Victor Davis Hanson

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Drescher Campus Auditorium
Pepperdine University
Malibu, California

Scholar of classical civilizations, author, columnist, and historian Victor Davis Hanson is serving as the Spring 2009 William E. Simon Distinguished Visiting Professor at the School of Public Policy.Referencing his expertise in military history, foreign affairs, domestic politics, and contemporary culture, Hanson will discuss the timely political challenges facing the new Obama Administration.

Despite utopian rhetoric, President Obama will learn that many of the decisions he faces offer only bad and worse choices, and while George W. Bush was easily caricatured as a reactionary extremist, Obama will quickly learn as president that many of Bush's policies were moderate and centrist-and should be continued. Such an "adjustment" may require modification of some of his past positions and explanation to some of his supporters.

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