The Bush-Obama Stimulus Programs and the Future of American Capitalism
The School of Public Policy and the Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation presents "The Bush-Obama Stimulus Programs and the Future of American Capitalism."
Dr. Randall Holcombe
Professor of Economics,
Florida State University
Monday, October 19, 2009
Drescher Campus Auditorium
Pepperdine University
Malibu, California
Dr. Holcombe will be speaking on federal policy, TARP, President Obama's stimulus bill, and the bailouts of auto and financial firms, and the way these issues undermine the incentive structure that makes a market economy work. Health care reform and energy policy will also be on addressed, but mainly to differentiate them from the stimulus programs.
Dr. Holcombe served on Florida Governor Jeb Bush’s Council of Economic Advisors from 2000 to 2006. He is the author 12 books and has more than 100 articles published in academic and professional journals on the issues of public policy and the economic analysis of public policy.