Virtual Intensive Professional Certificate in Public Engagement For Local Government
2023 Virtual Intensive Certificate April 13-15 from the Comfort of Home!
This year we are excited to introduce an intensive version of our virtual Professional
Certificate in Public Engagement. The 3-day virtual intensive offering will consist
of a series of six, two-and-a-half hour modules held over the course of three days.
5 Reasons to Attend The Virtual Intensive Certificate?
- Curriculum focus on telecommuting and hybrid workspaces
- Intensive and interactive 3-day format
- Increased opportunities for dialogue and discussion from around the country
- Social networking with peers and Davenport Institute trainers
- Lower Price Point than in-Person offerings
Through this program, mid-career professionals are prepared to lead a publicly-engaged organization by gaining a deep understanding of the context, purpose, and best practices for engaging residents in the decisions that affect their lives and communities.
The Davenport Institute periodically assesses the pricing of its certificates to ensure a reasonable alignment with the needs of participants, trainers, and the marketplace and may make changes in response to that assessment and feedback.
The price of the Virtual Intensive Public Engagement Certificate Program is $1,195.
Who Should Attend?
The Professional Certificate in Public Engagement benefits all local government practitioners,
including professionals from cities, counties, and special districts, private sector
employees who serve local governments, and graduate students focused on local government.
Job titles of past attendees have included:
- City Manager
- Associate Planner
- Assistant City Manager
- Intergovernmental & Council Services Manager
- Senior Management Analyst/ Management Analyst
- Public Information Officer
- Executive Director of CBO
- Community Relations Coordinator
- Public Engagement Consultant
- Council Member
What is Covered in the Program?
Prior to the start of the program, participants identify a public engagement project
they are currently working on or one they are thinking about undertaking. In addition
to the sessions below, participants have the opportunity for one-on-one work developing
a personal public engagement strategy. The program will be highly interactive with
participants attending each session live to facilitate open dialogue, peer learning,
and networking, and concluding with a Personal Public Engagement Summit that allows
each participant to workshop an applicable engagement action plan. Participants will
leave the program better informed and prepared to implement substantive public engagement.
Looking for More Information?
Contact Davenport Institute Assistant Director Pooja DiGiovanna via email or by phone at 310.506.4052.