Joint Degree | MPP/MBA Orientation Workshop
Master of Public Policy/Master of Business Administration (MPP/MBA)
The Orientation Workshop is an intensive workshop over several 8- to 12- hour days, held the week before formal classes begin. It provides an opportunity for reflection on personal values and life goals. It also provides practical and intensive exercises in developing skills in team building which students can use in learning teams during the program as well as in their eventual positions of leadership beyond their academic experience.
The intended outcome is a cohesive learning cohort of students who will spend the next two years together, assisting each other in developing their skills to their fullest potential through collaborative learning and mutual encouragement in spiritual and social as well as intellectual growth.
Other elements which may be utilized during this intensive, off-site workshop are unifying cases designed to integrate the entire first-year curriculum and discussions with policy leaders from various organizations based upon pre-assigned readings which students are encouraged to have completed before they arrive.