The New Deal
Herbert Hoover Speeches
- Campaign Speech: October 22, 1928
- Campaign Speech: November 2, 1928
- Annual Message to Congress: December 8, 1931
- Presidential Nomination Address: August 11, 1932
- The Consequences of the Proposed New Deal, October 21, 1932
- Herbert Hoover Address: October, 28 1932
- Herbert Hoover Address: November, 5 1932
- Annual Message to Congress: December 6, 1932
- The NRA, May 15, 1935
- Spending, Deficits, Debts, and Their Consequences: October 5, 1935
- The Confused State of the Union, February 12, 1936
- Crisis to Free Men, June 10, 1936
- Hands Off the Supreme Court, February 20, 1937
- An Affirmative Program of American Ideals, October 26, 1937
- Economic Security and the Present Situation, December 16, 1937
- Challenge to Liberty, April 8, 1938
- The Dangerous Road for Democracy, May 5, 1938
- Morals In Government: September 28, 1938
- Undermining Representative Government: October 17, 1938
- The Economic Consequences of the New Deal: November 5, 1938
- The Real State of the Union: February 13, 1939
- Our Most Important Domestic Issue: February 12, 1940
- Radio Address: October, 24, 1940