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Pepperdine | School of Public Policy

Natural Resources and Environment Consultant

Alumnus Anthony Archie - Pepperdine University


Committee Consultant, Natural Resources and Environment
California Assembly Republican Caucus
Sacramento, California

MPP, Pepperdine University, 2004
Double Specialization: Economics and State and Local Policy

BA, Economics and Political Science,
Pepperdine University, 2002

With international events grabbing news headlines, the impact of state and local policies is often overlooked. But at the Pepperdine School of Public Policy, I was able to double-specialize in economics and state and local policy, a combination that allowed me to examine California's most pressing issues. This was most apparent during the Policy Research Seminar, where I used my training to analyze the state's workers' compensation problem.

Our team produced a proposal that rivaled those of policy think tanks, drawing acclaim from a number of individuals, including some of Governor Schwarzenegger's policy advisors. As a result of my experience, I am now a Sacramento-based policy analyst at the Pacific Research Institute, writing and speaking on issues such as tax policy, property rights, and legal reform.