Message from the Editor, Matthew C. Piccolo
Soon after beginning my studies in Malibu, I knew that the School of
Public Policy (SPP) needed a student policy journal. I hoped that a journal
would not only provide a forum for student ideas, but also continue to raise
the high standard of scholarship and writing at the school this year and for
many to come. With that goal in mind, I pestered Dean Wilburn for months
to convince him that the class of 2008 possessed the intellect and initiative
to make the journal a success. He eventually gave in and we went to work.
After months of careful planning and meticulous editing, we present to our
readers the fruits of our labors in the inaugural volume of Pepperdine Policy
Review. I believe that the fruits are good. The articles reflect the
school’s aims to help students design and implement policy solutions that
are rooted in wisdom of ages past, are guided by moral and ethical principles,
and are not limited to government solutions.
The journal includes four academic articles that highlight the extensive
breadth and depth of scholarship at SPP. Jeffrey M. Jones’s book review
features the sort of interesting and notable work in which SPP alumni are
engaged worldwide. And three SPP students offer fascinating commentaries
that provide astute observations concerning some of the most pressing
issues of our day and set forth policy recommendations to address them.
This first volume presents some of the most insightful analysis SPP students
have to offer. It sets a solid precedent for future volumes and commences
what I hope will become a remarkable tradition of excellence at
I gratefully acknowledge the diligent effort of the many students, staff and
faculty who helped produce this journal. I thank Dean Wilburn for giving
us a chance to succeed, Sheryl Kelo for her endless patience and dedicated
service, Dr. James Prieger for his wise counsel and, above all, the authors
and editorial staff for their diligent work, particularly Nicolas Valbuena for
his loyal support throughout the project. Please enjoy the inaugural volume
of Pepperdine Policy Review!
Matthew C. Piccolo