Mar 21: "Charlie vs Goliath" Documentary Screening & Bi-Partisan Discussion
Join the School of Public Policy and the Davenport Institute for Public Engagement and Civic Leadership for an inside look of an outsider's perspective on running as a major party candidate
in a 21st century-context of insider politics and extravagant campaign spending on
Wednesday, March 21, 2018, from 6-8:30 PM in the Wilburn Auditorium. "Charlie vs Goliath" will be screened followed by a conversation between two very different candidates
with unique political goals as they discuss their own experiences and implications
for future office-seekers.
In 2014, Charlie Hardy, a 75-year-old former Catholic priest who spent nearly a decade
serving the poor from a cardboard shack in a Venezuelan slum, ran as the Democratic
Party nominee for the US Senate in the Republican stronghold of Wyoming. Running solely
on grassroots funds, Hardy ran against a well-financed opponent, receiving little
support from his own party's establishment. "Charlie vs. Goliath" follows this unorthodox
nominee on his Quixotic adventure.
Following the screening, Hardy will discuss his experience with School of Public Policy Dean Pete Peterson , who, the same year, ran his own low-budget campaign as a Republican candidate for Secretary of State in California. In a state that hasn't had a single Republican elected to statewide office since 2006, Peterson faced his own well-financed opponent, and also received little support from his party's establishment.
Register to attend, here.