Jan 14: Mapping the Future with Kate Coleman and Stephen Goldsmith
The School of Public Policy’s Project for Cross Sector Leadership and the City of Santa Monica will co-host a discussion on Monday, January 14, 2019, entitled, "Mapping the Future: Leadership in Search of a Sense of Place." Join us at the Santa Monica Public Library from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM for a fast-moving and engaging conversation with public leadership experts Kate Coleman and Stephen Goldsmith as they reveal research from their forthcoming book showing how public sector and nonprofit leaders can unlock public value and increase performance by incorporating a sense of place in how they plan, act, and communicate. They will also provide a framework for GIS experts to advance the importance and applicability of their work.
Problems facing cities exist in systems, not in agencies. The disconnected nature of many services multiplies the complexity of service delivery and dilutes effectiveness. These problems occur across agencies, across governments (city, county, state, and federal), and across sectors (government, nonprofit, and for-profit contractors).
The underlying goal is to deepen awareness by government and nonprofit senior managers about how thinking and acting with a geographic or place-based orientation will create better decision making inside their enterprises and how it will further broaden cross-sector collaborations.
Light refreshments will be served following the lecture.
Learn more and register for this event. Click here for directions to the Santa Monica Public Library.