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Davenport AC Member Writes Two Pieces for PM Magazine

In June and July, Michael Huling, Davenport Institute Advisory Council member and City Planner with Clark County in Nevada, wrote two pieces for ICMA’s PM Magazine. In both articles, Huling drew from his professional experience in local government and brought attention to case studies from cities and counties in Nevada and cities experiencing similar issues.

Huling was featured on the cover of the June PM Magazine issue along with his article entitled “Making Cities Liveable for Families.” This article concentrates on how local governments can make urban spaces appealing for families to settle down and raise their children through a focus on three important aspects of livability- housing, education, and safety. 


In addition to the June feature, Huling was featured a second time for his article “The Grass is Not Always Greener” in July’s issue. This article explores the complexity of environmental policy and the need for a comprehensive understanding and approach to the matter. This article also raises the question of how local governments can achieve sustainable growth. According to Huling, municipalities can address the issue of climate change while simultaneously stimulating the economy, increasing housing production, and addressing the shortcomings of current zoning laws.

We look forward to continuing to work with ICMA and Michael Huling on our Advisory Council!