Video: Dr. Robert Kaufman on "8 Years Of Obama’s Apologizing Left America Worse Off" | The Daily Caller
Political Scientist: 8 Years Of Obama’s Apologizing Left America Worse Off
President Barack Obama’s foreign policy is anchored in the belief that restraining American power and influence is preferred to a strong U.S. in the world, says a Pepperdine University political scientist.
Robert G. Kaufman uses the Ronald Reagan question “Are we better off than we were eight years ago?” on Obama’s statecraft and answers in the negative. Kaufman says Obama’s policies are “gravely dangerous” in this exclusive video interview for The Daily Caller News Foundation.
Kaufman says Obama: rejected American exceptionalism, diminished American power, demoralized our democratic allies, unleashed Russian President Vladimir Putin, enabled China’s adventurism, helped Iran — America’s foe — become a nuclear power, turned a blind eye to radical Islam and invited danger by conveying American weakness. The alternative, he says, was an American foreign policy built on clear, credible, capable strength.
Kaufman’s book “Dangerous Doctrine: How Obama’s Grand Strategy Weakened America,” delves into all of these subjects in detail, as well as what brought him to the Washington, D.C. area recently when this interview was conducted at the Institute for World Politics.
He also says former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton may be the equivalent of the “best looking in the physics class,” but was secretary of state when she refused to put Boko Horam on the designated terrorist list, endangering the innocent victims of this group — prompting First Lay Michelle Obama to use the hashtag #BringBackOurGirls.
Kaufman ends this video with a surprising, bi-partisan criticism of Donald Trump.