SPP Welcomes Dr. Cameron Sublett
The Pepperdine School of Public Policy is pleased to announce Dr. Cameron Sublett as an adjunct faculty member who just finished one of the James Q. Wilson core courses Applied Research Methods in Public Policy.
“Dr. Sublett joins us after making a terrific presentation to our students on California K12 education data recently. He’s a noted policy researcher, and I’m so glad,” noted dean Peterson.
Sublett earned his doctorate in education policy, leadership, and research methods from the University of California, Santa Barbara. His research examines policy, finance, and economics in higher education with a particular focus on community colleges. Sublett also researches and writes on career and technical education policy, workforce development, and alternative pathways to school completion. He is an active member of the Association for Education Finance and Policy, the Association for the Study of Higher Education, and the American Educational Research Association. Sublett was selected as an Emerging Education Policy Scholar by the Thomas B. Fordham Institute and American Enterprise Institute in 2016 and as an Emerging Policy Scholar by the University of California Center Sacramento in 2015. He is a senior research associate at WestEd, a nonpartisan, nonprofit agency designed to improve education outcomes for every learner from children to adults.
Sublett participated in the Fall 2018 Policy Intensives with Practitioners Series at the Pepperdine School of Public Policy which consisted of a half-day workshop on the opportunities and challenges of California Community Colleges.
“I am so thankful for the opportunity to serve SPP students. They are bright, ambitious and critical thinkers; I look forward to contributing to their growth wherever I can,” shared Sublett.