The Moral Sense in Politics and Policy Series Presents An Evening Conversation with Christian Author Andy Crouch
The School of Public Policy's The Moral Sense in Politics and Policy series will present an Evening Conversation with Christian author Andy Crouch on Wednesday, March 2, at 6:30 p.m., at The National Press Club in Washington, D.C.
What is the “good life,” and how can our public institutions support it? And what
is the role for public leaders in creating environments where life can truly flourish?
In his new book, Strong and Weak: Embracing a Life of Love, Risk and True Flourishing, best-selling Christian author Andy Crouch explores these questions through the example
of Jesus and others who found great strength in weakness to make a profound impact
on the world around them.
Andy Crouch is executive editor of Christianity Today (CT). He was also executive producer of CT's “This Is Our City,” a multi-year project
featuring documentary video, reporting, and essays about Christians seeking the flourishing
of their cities. Crouch serves on the governing boards of Fuller Theological Seminary
and Equitas Group, and is a senior fellow of the International Justice Mission’s IJM
Institute. His books include Playing God: Redeeming the Gift of Power, Culture Making: Recovering Our Creative Calling, and his forthcoming Strong and Weak.
This event is presented in partnership with The Trinity Forum.
Free to Pepperdine alumni and friends with RSVP to