Listen: Dr. Robert Kaufman on the Nunes Memo | KPPC
AirTalk special coverage: the Nunes memo
February 2, 2018 | KPCC AirTalk
The so-called Nunes memo dropped Friday morning.
AirTalk discusses the impact – on the FBI, the Mueller investigation into alleged Russian meddling of the 2016 election, and politics in DC with our panel of guests. Listen to the segment, here.
Lisa Mascaro, congressional reporter for the Los Angeles Times; she just attended the annual Republican congressional retreat in West Virginia
Matt Rodriguez, Democratic strategist and founder and chief executive officer of Rodriguez Strategies; he is also a former senior Obama advisor in 2008; he tweets @RodStrategies
Sean T. Walsh, Republican political analyst and partner at Wilson Walsh Consulting in San Francisco; he is a former adviser to California Governors Pete Wilson and Arnold Schwarzenegger and a former White House staffer for Presidents Reagan and H.W. Bush
Ron Hosko, former assistant director of the FBI from 2012 to 2014; president of the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund, a non-profit organization providing assistance to law enforcement officers who are required to defend their official actions in court
Robert Kaufman, public policy professor at Pepperdine specializing in American foreign policy, national security, international relations and politics
Garrett Graff, journalist, author and contributing editor at Wired; former editor at Politico Magazine and the Washingtonian; he wrote a biography on former FBI Director Robert Mueller, “The Threat Matrix: The FBI At War In The Age Of Global Terror” (Back Bay Books, 2012); he tweets @vermontgmg
R.P. Eddy, CEO of the New York-based intelligence firm Ergo; former director at the White House National Security Council, as well as a former U.S. and U.N. senior diplomat; he is the co-author of the book, “Warnings: Finding Cassandras to Stop Catastrophes” (Ecco, 2017); he tweets @RPEddy