Dr. James Prieger Presents on Growth of the Broadband Internet Access Market at TechNet’s State Policy Conference
Dr. James Prieger, professor of public policy at the Pepperdine School of Public, was invited to TechNet’s State Policy Conference in San Francisco, California, on December 10, 2015, to deliver his new study, “The Growth of the Broadband Internet Access Market in California," wherein he spoke about the history of the broadband market in the state, where we are today, and what the implications are for policy as we move ahead.
TechnNet's State Policy Conference brings together TechNet members with policy and political leaders from across the country to discuss the most pressing issues facing the industry. Attendees included government affairs leaders and technology executives, as well as political leaders from key states that play critical roles in the development of technology policy.
Prieger is an economist specializing in regulatory economics, industrial organization, and applied econometrics.