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Policy Seminar (Capstone)

The Policy Seminar in the final semester permits students to develop and present a major public program design and implementation plan using a real situation in an actual agency, either global, national, state, or local. Students develop a clearly focused mission, a strategic plan for the undertaking, and an implementation plan which acknowledges various interest groups who must "buy in" for the project to be successful. This requires personnel planning, a budget plan, and a clear method for securing approvals from all interested parties whose "ownership" is critical for its success. The results are presented to a board of visitors which includes academics and real-world agency leaders. Students are expected to be able to identify, verbalize, and experience in an authentic way clearly stated personal values as well as technical expertise.

The Capstone project was designed to provide an integrative experience through student efforts in developing an actual program or public policy. The students assumed all aspects of completing the policy paper, from selecting the topic, dividing the task to research and writing of the policy solutions. To develop leadership skills further, this project was completed as a team exercise that was reviewed and evaluated not only by faculty, but also by government officials and key representatives of constituencies affected by the policy.

  2024 Capstone Projects

Ensnared Care: How Restrictive Healthcare Laws Impact Mothers
How Much Does It Cost to Operate Tiny Home Villages for People Experiencing Homelessness
The State of the Carbon Capture and Sequestration Industry in California in 2024: Challenges and Policy Solutions

  2021 Capstone Projects

International Relations and National Security
Danger to Democracy: United States—Russia National Security Strategy
The United States National Security Strategy: The Middle East
United States National Security Strategy toward China
United States National Security Strategy for Europe

Trends in Policy Analysis
Achieving Carbon Neutrality in Energy Production and the Perception of Nuclear Energy: California’s Renewable Portfolio
Addressing the Problem of Declining American Fertility
Civilian Bootcamp: Rethinking How Veterans Transition
Containing Chinese Hegemony: Australia-United States Relations and China—An International Security Policy Proposal in the Indo-Pacific
Creating Dense Urban Areas for Children
Dark Money and Campaign Finance Reform
“Latinx” in the Political Space and Its Implications for Public Policy
Meeting California’s Demand for Teachers
Memo to Councilmember Isaiah Thomas re: Call for Policy Recommendations to Address Rising Homicide Rate
Proposal to Minimize Homelessness in Oxnard, California
Rebuilding Trust through Civic Engagement
Reform Recommendations of Drug Policy in California
Solving America’s Growing New Deserts

Empirical Policy Analysis
Challenging the Status Quo: United States Foreign Policy in Cuba and Venezuela
Cultural Competence in Higher Education
Health Policy, Inequality, and the Technology Divide: Bridging the Gap for Racial Community Divide
The Impact of COVID-19 on the California Achievement Gap and Policy Interventions to Move California Schools Forward
What Is the Degree of Populism Surrounding the Marine Corps Air Station Futenma Controversy?

  2020 Capstone Projects

International Relations and National Security
National Security Strategy for Russia

Empirical Policy Analysis
Addressing the Deficit of School-Based Mental Health Personnel in United States School Districts
An Examination of the Problem of Human Trafficking in Los Angeles
Effectiveness of Plastic Ordinances in Santa Monica, California: Do Regulations at the Municipal Level Reduce Plastic Waste?
Increasing Accessibility in the Paycheck Protection Program: Identifying Barriers to Loan Accessibility for Minority-Owned Small Businesses in Los Angeles County
Is It Really Crime-Free? An Analysis of the Efficacy of the Crime-Free Multi-Housing Program for Housing in California
Macroeconomic Factors Influencing Hong Kong’s Housing Prices
Understanding Mental Overload to Guide Best Practices for Financial Education in Predominantly Hispanic Communities in the San Gabriel Valley of Los Angeles County
Understanding the Relationship between COVID-19 Policies and Unemployment

Major Issues in Public Policy
A Path Toward Achieving Functional Zero in Anaheim, California: A Cross-Contextual Analysis
Alternative Dispute Resolution and the US Armed Forces: An Analysis of Current Policy and Opportunity for Future Development
An Analysis of California’s Prison Education Programs: What’s Working and What Can Be Improved?
Analysis of China’s Tax Incentives for Personal Tax-Deferred Commercial Pension Insurance
Are Veterans Paying the Price for a Broken Immigration System?
Human Trafficking in India and China
International Conflict Resolution: The Middle Kingdom Restoration Problem
Labor Trafficking in the Global Supply Chain of Coffee
Policy Evaluation of Bolivia’s Broadband Infrastructure
Turkey and NATO: Reevaluating a Complex Alliance

  2019 Capstone Projects

Acculturation and Dietary Issues for First- and Second-
Generation Hispanics in California
Addressing Major League Baseball’s Education Gap: How to Best Provide High School Education to All Latin American Baseball Players
Determinants of Terrorism in Latin America: Implications for US National Security
Evaluating the Prevalence of Punitive Disciplinary Policies Among California Public High Schools and the Effect on Juvenile
Arrest Rates Within Corresponding Counties: A Geographical and Ideological Comparative Approach
False Environmental Protection: The Market for Recycling Electric Vehicle Batteries in China
High Speed Ahead? Economic Lessons from China’s High Speed Rail Network for California
Modern Slavery: Dissolving the Black Market Industry of Human Trafficking in the United States
Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs: Implementation Oversights and the Undue Burdens Caused for Veterinary Physicians
Strategic Guidance for Comprehensive Reform of US Immigration Policy
United States-India Bilateral Relations and Their Future Trajectory
What Does Russia Want? Russian Ambitions in Eastern Ukraine and the Long-Term National Security Implications for the United States
Would a Border Wall Be Effective in Stopping Illegal Immigration?

  2018 Capstone Projects

Access to Affordable and Nutritious Foods for Individuals Living in South Los Angeles
A Comparison of Chinese and American Strategies to Renewable Energy Development
Addressing California's Water Needs: A Policy Analysis
Addressing the Negative Perception of Drug Abuse Resistance Education
A Road Forward: Addressing Under Investment in the United States' Surface Transportation System
Creating More Housing Amidst a High-cost Housing Market
Crisis in the American Family: Addressing Family Dissolution in the United States National Security Strategy of the United States of America regarding China
Diminishing Urban and Rural Educational Disparity in China
Low Competition and Innovation in the Biopharmaceutical Industry
Preventing a "Lost Generation": Identifying and Breaking Down Barriers to the Education of Syrian Refugee Children in Jordan
Safer, Freer, Faster: Improving Results in America's Airport Security Checkpoints
Should Cities Promote Development fo Accessory Dwelling Units to Increase Housing Stock in California
The National Security Strategy: The American Strategy for Europe
The Silent Killer: US Agricultural Policy
United States National Security Strategy for Russia
Where Markets and Government

  2017 Capstone Projects

Battling the Smog Due to Industrial Pollution in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region
Bolivia's Overcrowded Prisons and Failed Criminal Justice System
Chinese Hukou System Reform
Economic Development in New Hampshire
Education Reform in the Mississippi Delta: A District-Specific Approach
Electoral Incentives and Policy Outcomes
The Land of Opportunity–Pursuing the Immigrant's Dream: A Policy Analysis of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals and Addressing the Beneficiaries Status Through Immigration Reform
The Misrepresentation of Victims of Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation as Criminals: A California Case Study
Revisiting NAFTA: The North American Free Trade Agreement of 1994

  2016 Capstone Projects

A Strengthened Deferred Action - DACA
America's Immigrant Problem: Addressing the Issue of Undocumented Youth in the United States
Changing Horizons: Pension Reform Strategy for Southern California Municipalities
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act: The Result of the 2008 American Crisis
Improving the Living Standard of Old People in Beijing
Marijuana Regulation in the City of Detroit
Reducing Congestion at the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles
The "Butterfly Effect" as a Model for Reducing Fatherlessness in Los Angeles, California
The Problem of Hunger in South Sudan
United States National Security Strategy for China
United States National Security Strategy Toward Iraq, Iran, and Saudi Arabia
United States National Security Strategy Toward North Africa and the Arab-Israeli Conflict
United States National Security Strategy Toward Syria, Afghanistan, and Turkey

  2015 Capstone Projects

ADA Lawsuit Abuse in California
Analysis on China's Photovoltaic Industry
Dealing with the PM2.5 Pollution Problem in Beijing through Petrochemical Industry Reform of China
Improving Stabilization of the Chinese Vegetable Market
Increasing the Stability and Efficiency of Greece's Domestic Economy
Policy Problems and Possible Reforms
School Choice in China: Compulsory Educational Resources Reallocation
The Political Economy of Sino-US Trade Frictions on Intellectual Property
United States National Security for China
United States National Security for Europe
United States National Security for the Middle East
United States National Security Strategy for Russia
Work Visa Inefficiency

  2014 Capstone Projects

A Tale of Two Revolutions: Lessons from Iran 1979 and Egypt 2011
Addressing the Student Loan Crisis
An Abdication of Policy or an Abrogation of Authority? American Exceptionalism, Wilsonianism and the Foreign Affairs Interregnum
Analysis of Effects of Marijuana Policy in America
Beijing's Policy Toward Industrial Air Pollution
California Export Development: Proven Policies for Strengthening Export Growth
California's Film/Television Tax Incentive Program: A Case Study on the Benefits and Costs of Modern Tax Subsidies
Capstone Final on Energy Policy
Decreasing Violent Crime in Chicago: An Analysis and Recommendation of the Policy Options Available
Democratic Regime Change as the Result of War and Operations
Developing a Policy Framework for Global Secession Movements
Does Race to the Top Fix No Child Left Behind?
Does San Fernando Valley Receive Its Fair Share of Taxes?
Energy Policies in the Transportation Industry: Critical Analysis
Gas Price Analysis in People's Republic of China—On the Path of Reform
Generation Across the Country: A Back-to-Basics Evaluation of Policy Effectiveness
Growing California's Exports: Finding an Advantage in West Coast Trade Housing Price in China
Improving the Efficiency and Management of Federal Land
Increasing Efficiency and Quality of Taxi Industry in Beijing, China
Lessons of Contemporary Debate for Immigration Reform
Low Quality Issue of Preschool Teachers in Current China
Mobile Money in Development: A Case Study Between Tanzania and Uganda
Policy Analysis of Campaign Finance Reform in American Politics
Presidential Voting System: A Study Between the United States and France
Reducing California's Prison Population
School Vouchers as a Model for Improving Virginia K-12 Education
State Employee and Teacher Pensions: A Case-Study Analysis on California and Texas
The Achievement Gap
The Democratization of Communication: Constitutional Implications of the Fairness Doctrine in the Current Political Market
The Effect of Renewable Portfolio Standards on the Percentage of Renewable Energy
The Evolving Role and Value of Nonprofit Organizations in American Elections and the Need for Regulation
The Future of the California Republican Party: The Latino Vote
The National Security Strategy: Interests of the United States Concerning the Russian Federation
The Provision of the Public Arts in the United States
The Root Cause of Illegal Immigration in the United States
The United States National Security Strategy for China
Threat Management: The United States National Security Strategy for the Middle East
Title IX: Promoting Sport for Women, Damaging Sport for Men?
Trucking Regulation: A Retrospective
White Slavery/Black Market: Exploring the Grey Intersection of Human Trafficking and Prostitution

  2013 Capstone Projects

Achieving Excellence in K-12 Education
Addressing HIV/AIDS Treatment in Marsabit, Kenya
Female Gendercide in China: Current Issue, Government and Market Failure, and Policy Implications
Foreign Aid: Exploring Market-Driven Solutions to Economic Development
Gold Mining in America: Do Regulations and Standards Ensure Environmental Protection and Sustainability?
Improving Air Quality in China
Inefficiencies and Recommendations of the Family Medical Leave Act and the Pregnancy Discrimination Act
Jordanian Water Security
Juvenile Records Privacy and Sharing: Empowering Educators to Protect Children Who Are in Multiple Systems
Looking into the Future: The United States National Security Strategy for China
Policy Analysis: The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
Private Sector Pensions: Protecting Your Future Against Fraud
Privatization and Market Liberalization: A Panacea for the Greek Debt Crisis
Profit and Preservation: Opportunity for Cities and their Water Districts to Alter Unsustainable American Consumer Water Use
Promoting a Better World: The United States National Security Strategy for Central and South Asia
Russia: A National Security Strategy
Small-Arms Control and Liberia: Government Failures, Market Responses and a New Public Policy
Teacher Quality Matters: Proposing Education Reform for California
Teachers' Union Effects on the Quality of Education
Tension or Harmony with Nature: Native American Practices and Traditions and the Endangered Species Act
The United States National Security Strategy for Europe
Understanding and Improving Los Angeles Charter Schools
Water Energy Nexus in California
Water, Water Everywhere: Is Municipal Desalination the Answer to Orange County's Water Woes?

  2012 Capstone Projects

Addressing South Africa's HIV/AIDS Crisis: Restructuring the Public Health Care System as a Means to the Solution
Building Problems: An Evaluation of Development Policy in Afghanistan
California Cap and Trade: Putting Our Best Carbon Footprint Forward?
California's Revolving Door to Prison: A Plan for Recidivism Reduction
Civic Education in Los Angeles Public Schools
Corruption and Foreign Aid: A Policy Analysis of FDI and Corruption in Mexico
Does Personal Privacy End at the Click of a Mouse?
Electronic Waste and Universal Recycling: A Regional Response to Environmental Justice
Enacting Campaign Finance Reform after Citizens United: Informed Choices in the Political Marketplace
English Language Learners Programs: Oxnard Union High School District and Inglewood Unified High School District
Environmental Governance in China: The Challenge of Government Structure in Environmental Protection
Expanding Parental Involvement at Culver City Unified School District
Genetically Engineered Foods in the United States and the California Consumers' Right to Know Initiative
Higher Education Policy Reform
Incentivizing Cleaner Water: A Survey of Stormwater Management Rebate and Incentive Programs in the United States
Information and Access Issues in the Market of Resources and Social Programs
Internalizing the Environmental, Public Health, and Animal Welfare Externalities of Industrial Farm Animal Production via Consumer-Facing Product Labels
Keeping Business in California: Examining Commercial Loans, State Regulations, and the Corporate Income Tax Rate
Looking into the Future: The U.S. National Security Strategy for Russia
Los Angeles Potable Reuse: A Public Policy and Finance Analysis
National Security Strategy of the United States of America: The East Asian Region
National Security Strategy: Europe
National Security Strategy: Middle East
Pension Reform in the City of Los Angeles: A Race Against Time
Prison Reform in California: Policy Analyses and Recommendations
Public/Private Financing of Los Angeles' NFL Stadium
Reducing Automobile Dependency Through the Newest Generation of Streetcars
Reducing Children's Exposure from School Bus Pollutants
Reforming Water Contracts in California
Relocating ... Anywhere but Here: California's Anti-Business Tax Climate
Rent Control as a Whole and the Rent Stabilization Problem in Los Angeles, California
Smart Grid, Smart Meters, and Smart Consumers: The Disconnect Between Electricity and Its Users
Strengthening Conscience Laws to Protect Life
Tackling Corruption in Nigeria's Public Sector
The City of Malibu's Water Quality Controversy: Lessons Learned
The Impact of Transport on the Environment in China
The U.S. Export Control Reform
Toxic Water for the Central Valley Means Toxic Water for California
United States Foreign Policy Initiative on a Possible Nuclear Iran
What Should Las Virgenes Unified School District Do in Response to the FY 2012-2013 Budget Proposal?

  2011 Capstone Projects

Achieving Sustainability in Space: Creating Space Policy that Works
Aerospace and the Legacy of Groundwater Pollution in Southern California
An Ecosystem Approach to Watershed "Preservelopment" in the Malibu Creek Watershed
Analysis of 2010 California Water Bond
Arizona's Project SAFE: Improving Outcomes for Juveniles on Probation in Maricopa County
Arizona's Project SAFE: Improving Outcomes for Rural Probationers in Cochise County
Arizona's Project SAFE: Yuma County's Experience with Swift and Certain Sanctions for Probationers
Automatic Copyright and Registration: In Harmony or in Conflict?
Building Coalitions to Solve California's Coastal Water
Building Social Capital in Rwanda
California Water: A Shortage or Mismanagement?
California Water: Recycling and Reclaimed Solutions
California's Experiment with HOPE for Parolees: Implementation Challenges
Drugged: Pharmaceutical Water Pollution
Expanding California's Water Market
Hawaii's Experience with HOPE for Probationers (Hawaii's Opportunity Probation with Enforcement)
Pepperdine's Sustainability Program
Politics and Policy: Urging Transparency in America's Labor Unions
Public Higher Education in Louisiana: A Policy Focus on Graduation Rates and Spending
Reducing L.A.'s Outside Water Dependency
Residential Water Conservation Through Increased Block Pricing and Informative Water Billing
Reverse Brain Drain in the U.S. and the Need for Immigration Reform
The 2011 General Aviation Security Plan
The Economic and Environmental Impacts of Water Market Distortions
The Medical School Dilemma: A Policy Analysis for Easing the Residency Shortage
The Role of Public Policy in Corporate Social Responsibility: A New Way to Address Social Issues in the 21st Century
The Water-Energy Nexus
United States National Security Strategy for the Subcontinent
United States National Security Strategy on Russia
United States Security Strategy for Europe
United States Security Strategy for Latin America
Urban Sustainability: Stormwater Management in Southern California
Washington Intensive Supervision Probation– Improving High-Risk Parolee Compliance
Water Conservation, Use, and Pricing in Southern California
Winning the Future in Michigan: Math and Science Education in the Wolverine State

  2010 Capstone Projects

Analyzing International Aid Organizations, Emphasis on Education Policy
Assessing the Effectiveness of the Broken Windows Theory
Counterinsurgency Strategy in Afghanistan: Theory, Operations, and Policy Recommendations
Defense, Diplomacy, and Development
Does Illegal Equate to Evil? A Discussion of China's Nongovernmental Organizations
Educational Technology and Accountability: The Future of No Child Left Behind
Gang Suppression in Orange County, California: An Economic Approach to Criminal Street Gangs
Human Trafficking and International Response
Improvements in Education: Assessing and Utilizing Technology in the Classroom
Intersection Safety: Are Red Light Cameras the Best Option?
Is Los Angeles an Unfriendly Place to do Business? Generating Jobs in Los Angeles
Measuring Success: Academic Preparedness of LAUSD High School Students Entering the California State University System
Millennium Development Goals and U.S. Foreign Aid
National Security Briefing: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka
Policy Solutions to Prison Overcrowding in Uganda
Reining in the Dollar: Where U.S. Monetary Policy Came From and How to Fix It
Revitalizing Los Angeles: A Look at Economic Development Options
Russia and Oil and Gas Policy
South Korea-U.S. Free-Trade Agreement: A Strategic Economic and Geological Tool
The Complexities of Nation-building: Analysis of Lebanon and Bosnia
The Economic and Political Development of the Caucus Region and Its Effects on U.S. National Security Interests
The Massachusetts Health Plan: A Prescription for a National Health Care Agenda
The Port Security Grant Program at the Port of Los Angeles/Long Beach
The Proper Role of Dual-Use Export Controls: A Case Analysis and Policy Outline for Reform
The Quality of Our Teaching Workforce: Policies for Improving Teacher Quality in Our Low-Income Urban Schools
The Suspension of Habeas Corpus: Unification of a Nation or Erosion of Civil Liberties
Tibet Under the PRC: The Best Path Toward Peace and Substantive Autonomy
United States Aviation Security: The Lessons and Limitations of Israel's Aviation Security for the U.S.
United States Counterterrorism Priorities: Nuclear Security and Port Security
United States-Brazil Energy Trade
United States-China Relations
United States National Security Policy Towards the European Union
Unsustainable Development: California's Eminent Domain Abuse; Consequences and Remedies
Whose Crisis? Education and Gender in the United States

  2009 Capstone Projects

A Green Scorecard: Shifting the Market Towards Green Products
Marine Pollution: Why the World's Oceans should not be Overlooked
Advocacy Paper for School-Based Health Centers Within Public Education
Apology Resolution to Native Americans
Bridging the Connection Between Land Use Trends and the Environment: A Tradeoffs Analysis
A Communication Plan for High-Speed Rail
Developing the Middle East Through Leadership
Early College High School Initiative in California
Environmental Justice: A New Perspective on Race and Inequality
Everyday Solar: Marketing Clean Energy to the Working Class in Los Angeles County's Antelope Valley
Financing Sustainability: The Role of Photovoltaic Solar Energy in Promoting Sustainable Development
Fresh Start Education: Creating Healthy Kids by Improving School Nutrition
Increasing Parent Involvement in the Santa Ana Unified School District
National Ad Campaign to Combat TIP
National Security Strategy to Europe
Red & Green: An Environmental Communications Strategy for Conservatives
Regulation versus Taxation: CAFE Standards and the Gas Tax
Stimulating the Economy Through the Forgiveness of Student Loans
Strengthening Educational Technology in American Samoa Secondary Schools
Teachers Are the Real Rock Stars: Professional Pay for Professional Educators
United States National Security Strategy for Asia
Waste: The Future

  2008 Capstone Projects

American Foreign Policy Toward Africa and the Middle East
Dealing with the Rising Power of China
Ending Poverty: Education and Microfinance in Bolivia
English-Language Immersion Charter School of East Los Angeles
Increased Parent Involvement in Low-Income Schools: Reallocation of Title I Funds
Information Technology in the California Prison System
It Takes a Village to Raise a Child: Building Community in a Time of Crisis
Managing Illegal Immigrants in California Prisons
Managing the Aging Prison Population
National Security Strategy for American Interests in Saudi Arabia
Reclaiming the Native American Dream: How Online Education Will Allow Us to Fulfill Our Dream
School Vouchers: Can They Realize Milton Friedman's Vision of Education?
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services in the California Criminal Justice System
The Challenge Russia Poses to U.S. National Interests at Home and Abroad
The National Security Strategy of the United States of America: Lebanon
The United States National Security Strategy in Syria
United States National Security Strategy for Iran

  2007 Capstone Projects

Deliberative Democracy
Economics of Criminal Justice Reforms
Education Policy
United States Foreign Policy in the Middle East

  2006 Capstone Projects

Education Reform in the 21st Century
National Security in the Middle East
Saving Lives in Disaster: Improving the Integration of Faith Communities in Disaster Response in Los Angeles
Science Technology Policies: Exploring the Widespread Impact on American Society

  2005 Capstone Projects

A United States National Security Strategy for Eurasia
Higher Ed in the Red: Preserving Access to California's Community Colleges
National Security Strategy for Europe
The Past, Present, and Future of Malibu Housing
The United States Security Strategy for Asia
Title IX and Intercollegiate Athletics: Mitigating the Unintended Consequences of the Three-part Test

  2004 Capstone Projects

Crisis in California: Reforming Workers' Compensation
Federal Options for Increasing the Quality of Housing Available To Low Income Households
Malaria Interdiction In Kenya
Preventing Humanitarian Disaster In China-Combating HIV-AIDS in Yunnan China
Project Relief-Alleviating Federal Severely Distressed Public Housing
Three Years After the California Energy Crisis-A Plan to Avoid Future Shortages

  2003 Capstone Projects

Rescuing California's Troubled Schools: Can Contracting Address the Problems Facing California's Failing Schools?
Recapturing Voter Intent: The Nonpartisan Primary in California
One Nation Under Threat: Securing the United States from the Entry of Terrorists
Finding Permanent Homes for Adoptable Children: Removing the Barriers to Interstate Adoption

  2002 Capstone Projects

Stem Cell Research-Looking Ahead
Reshaping California's Character Education Code
On the Origin of Controversies: Improving California Science Standards for K-12 Education
Reigning in Iran: Reducing the State Sponsorship of Terrorism in the Mideast
Emerging Opportunities: A Free-Trade Framework for ASEAN and China

  2001 Capstone Projects

A Blueprint for NAFTA: The United States, Chile and the Future of the North America Free Trade Agreement
Two Cheers for Charitable Choice: Navigating the Pitfalls of Faith Based Partnerships with Government
Alleviating US Dependence on OPEC
Energy Crisis in California: Options for the Future

  2000 Capstone Projects

Ending the War on Tobacco: Moving Toward a Tolerant Public Policy
Rethinking Cuba: The Maturation of United States Foreign Policy

  1999 Capstone Project

E-Commerce and Taxation: A Plan for California